Our online shop has been updated with the awaited Kickstarter pledge for War & Peace 7th Edition.
A special email was sent for each Colonels and Generals (see our Kickstarter campaign here). If you have pledged the game on Kickstarter and did not receive this newsletter, please contact us directly.
Thanks for your support !
PS for Marshalls: as you paid the game in full already, there is no need to go to the shop. We shall contact you later for delivery
Additional Information
As announced on our Kickstarter page and website (see here), the plan will unfold more or less as follows:
- Till end of June: receipt of orders final confirmation and payment
- July: start of manufacturing process: product proofing, sampling, validation
- September: actual manufacturing
- October: shipping to USA and Europe fulfilment warehouses
- November: shipping from US or EU warehouses to local backers (once final shipping cost is paid)