January News
First of all, Happy New Year for all : Health and Fun in your games! What has been done so…
First of all, Happy New Year for all : Health and Fun in your games! What has been done so…
You'll find on the website A Wargamers Needful Things! a new article in which Mark G. McLaughlin explains how, over…
The Kickstarter campaign for War and Peace is now closed and was a success. Thanks to all the backers who…
Here is a new useful video preview showing the current content of War & Peace, preview made by the YouTube…
Here is a new batch of screenshots for the future computer version of the famous War & Peace boardgame. Land…
A campaign will soon be launched on Kickstarter for War and Peace. Stay tuned !
Mark Mclaughlin, author of War and Peace, talks about four decades' worth of versions of the original title and of…
A quick update to announce you that we have now a page on Steam for War & Peace. The planned…
Here is the annoucement trailer for this new game currently under development, it is the computer version of the famous…
Welcome on the official website for the upcoming PC adaptation of the famous boardgame War and Peace. You'll find here…